Dad Rocks More!
10/10/11 19:45
Another year, another Dad Rocks! video. We shot another video for Snævar over the past few weeks. It was scrapy on the budget, but I got to lend gear from my work, Plotpoint Film. So we again got to shoot with the Canon 7D, and the nice guys at Epic Film lent us an onboard dolly, hence all the frickin’ dolly shots.
Dad Rocks!
27/04/10 11:16
Just finished a music video for Snævar: Dad Rocks! We shot it on the Canon D5 Mark II.
Take a look:
Take a look:
2D Animation is done!
17/03/10 14:50
We finally finished 2D animation on The Golden Hummingbird, my current project, so now it’s time to begin compositing. Read more about The Golden Hummingbird on my BLOG.
New Site
17/03/10 01:54
Welcome to my new site ;-)
It’s been long overdue, but I finally made a new site. I suppose I got tired to updating through iWeb and moved to another visual editor - you know, just to make life easier. Let’s just hope I can keep it up this time ;-)
It’s been long overdue, but I finally made a new site. I suppose I got tired to updating through iWeb and moved to another visual editor - you know, just to make life easier. Let’s just hope I can keep it up this time ;-)